Monday, September 17, 2012

Music is Everywhere!

Last week in music class, students celebrated the birthday of Clara Schumann, a woman composer and pianist from the mid-1800s! She would have been 193 years old and we took this opportunity to listen to some of her music!

Listening to many different styles of music is going to be a common theme amongst all grade levels. When I have a class listen to music, I have them pick out as many instruments as they can that are in the recording. I also ask the class what they think the music means or what kind of musical adjectives they could use to describe it. By taking a more involved approach to listening, the students are able to develop a very keen ear and eventually learn to pick up on minute details!

Music really is everywhere. Take time to talk to your student about what they think music is and how it is important. Ask them where they hear music throughout the day. Ask them if they think certain noises could be music. Their responses could be rather insightful!!

Just about every grade is starting to learn about keeping a steady beat and how rhythms are used in music. I hope to have 6th-8th grade composing soon, once the basics are solidified.

Lesson interest forms are being sent home this week in the Tuesday folders (September 18). I ask that these forms be returned by the 21st, if possibe. The following link, Band Lesson Interest, is a copy of the letter being sent home. Please note that piano and guitar is open to 3rd grade and up, while band is offered to 4th grade and up.

Questions can be emailed to

Slowly, but surely I am learning student names; the students like to quiz me while I am on lunch duty!

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